Just Like an Elephant
From "Animal Tails and Stories"
If I had a nose like an elepant's nose,
I'd use it just like a water hose!
I'd fill it up at the garden spout -
And "whoosh!" send the water squirting out!
Ha -ha -ha! Ho -ho -ho!
Just Like an Elephant, don't you know.
I'd use it just like a water hose -
If I had an elepant's nose!
If I had ears like an elephant's ears,
It might surprise you what I could hear!
The scurrying of a little mouse,
If he tried to sneak inside my house!
Ha -ha -ha! Ho -ho -ho!
Just Like an Elephant, don't you know.
It might surprise you what I could hear,
If I had an elephant's ears!
If I had skin like an elephant's skin,
I'd roll all around in the mud and spin!
And caked with dirt from my head to toes --
I'd head for a shower -- with my nose!
Ha -ha -ha! Ho -ho -ho!
Just Like an Elephant, don't you know.
I'd roll all around in the mud and spin,
If I had an elephant's skin!
If I had a tail like an elephant's tail,
So handy out on the dusty trail!
My trusty fly-swatter right by me,
I'd knock those flies out: One, Two, Three!
Ha -ha -ha! Ho -ho -ho!
Just Like an Elephant, don't you know.
So handy out on the dusty trail,
If I had an elephant's tail!
If I had feet like an elephant's feet,
I could run the mile like a great athlete!
But it's hard to find good running shoes
In "extra-wide," size fifty-two!
Ha -ha -ha! Ho -ho -ho!
Just Like an Elephant, don't you know.
I could run the mile like a great athlete,
If I had an elephant's feet!
If I had tusks like an elephant's tusks,
You'd hear me trumpeting, dawn to dusk,
"Of all the animals, West to East --
The Elephant is the `King of Beasts!'"
Ha -ha -ha! Ho -ho -ho!
Just Like an Elephant, don't you know.
You'd hear me trumpeting, dawn to dusk,
If I had an elephant's tusks!
Copyright 1991, Scott Hooper